FARMA is a post-human world where mankind is no more, but the lives of farm animals continue in a once-given rhythm. The cows continue to produce milk, fully dependent on the synthetic milkmaid tubes. The blind fish swim in circles against the perpetual, man made current. Wheat maintained its territory, with no one to rule over.
Are these gardens of Eden? Or the Apocalypse?
Humanity, seduced by the domesticated animals, has steadily managed to decrease the number of wildlife to only four percent of Earth’s biomass. Sixty two percent are the species we prevent from becoming extinct, while making them incapable of living on their own.
The unlikely scenarios of the post-human ecosystems of FARMA, are an at- tempt to imagine the worldwide catastrophe, through the eyes of other spe- cies. By limiting the narration to the remote and constrained perspective of the farm animals, we are exploring familiar notions, from a foreign point of view.
The project consists of two closely intertwined parts. Written publication with images ‘Genesis/ Apocalypse’ and a film installation ‘Eden, Eden, Eden’.